Chies Chara Nari: Maho Hime

Chies Chara Nari: Maho Hime

This is the free photo or picture example named Chies Chara Nari: Maho Hime for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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Chie really doesn't have a reason to her Chara Nari.. I just had a good idea and I think it looks pretty in the end. Please ignore the fact that she copied Nagi's bow and that I failed at down a reflection //Cries

Below is her Chara's information;

--Name: Tenshi
--Dream: To be tough, unforgiving
--Chara change: She gets Tenshi's butterfly ornament in her hair, and pretty much turns yandere. If she catches someone bullying her brother, they'll get a mouth full from her.
--Chara Nari: Maho Hime
-----Razor Dance; Causes a shower or wave of bright butterflies to appear, touching which could cut or break X-eggs and people
-----Maho Waltz; Purifies X-eggs, needs a second user in their Chara Nari
-----Spectral Light; Stuns time, making Chie seem ghost like and very fast; this can't be used on other people so it's pretty useless.

Chie Amaterasu & Tenshi (c) =BloodyFloweringNight
Shugo Chara (c) Peach-Pit

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